This is a 30 minute - 1 hour slot with the athlete and coach of choice. This is a perfect opportunity to dive in depth with your skill and technique. Is there a specific skill you're struggling with? Or want to try and progress a new skill or simply build your confidence? Then this is a great opportunity to focus on just that.
We can do 1-1 privates in tumble, flying, flexibility and strength and conditioning for all ages and abilities.
This is perfect for when our competition season begins and allows stunt groups a chance for additional more intense practice with perfecting their stunt sections in routines and areas they could be struggling with.
This could also be open to mixed groups who want to further their stunting skill set and try out some higher level skills to there current team level.
Are your friends / team mates of a similar level to you? This is a great way to book in the pros of a 1-1 private session but in small groups and split the cost.
This is a more cost effective way of 1-1 privates but following the same coaching format and benefits.